Effective Date: 05. 27, 2024.


  1. Introduction and Overview
  2. Information Collection
  3. Use of Information
  4. Sharing of Information
  5. Other Parties
  6. Analytics and Advertising
  7. Your Rights and Choices
  8. Children
  9. Data Security
  10. International Transfer
  11. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  12. Contact Us


  1. Introduction and Overview.


This Privacy Policy describes how Elegant Develop Publisher (“Elegant Develop,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) collects, uses, and shares information about you as well as your rights and choices regarding such information. It applies to our platform (the “Platform”), games available through the Platform (the “Games”), websites for the Platform, Games (the “Websites”) and related applications (the “Apps”), and any online location operated by us that links to this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Service”).

By using the Service, you agree to our Terms of Use and our collection, use and disclosure practices, and other activities as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, discontinue use of the Service.


If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights and choices, please contact us as set out in the “Contact Us” section. 


  1. Information Collection.


We collect information about you when you use the Service, including when you use the Platform, play our Games, register an account, update your profile, access our content, sign up for a rewards program, participate in a promotion, or contact customer support. We collect information about you in a variety of ways depending on how you interact with us;


  1. Information You Provide To Us.


Directly from you when you provide it to us with opt-in process, such as when you register for an account, sign up to receive communications from us, make a purchase, or contact us by phone, email, or otherwise.


The categories of information we collect when you use the Service include:


If you participate in a promotion and are declared a winner, depending on the prize we may also collect your driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers as set out in the applicable promotion’s additional terms and conditions.


If you are eligible for a gift by participating in an event, we may collect the following in order to provide the gift to you:


You may choose to voluntarily provide other information to us that we do not request, and, in such instances, you are solely responsible for such information. 


  1. Information Collected Automatically.


Automatically through the use of cookies, server logs, and other similar technologies when you play our Games or otherwise interact with our Websites, Streaming Services, Apps, and other Services, as well as when you interact with our advertisements, and communications.


The categories of information we automatically collect include:


The types of tracking technologies we use to automatically collect information include:

For further information on how we use tracking technologies for analytics and advertising, and your rights and choices regarding them, see the “Analytics and Advertising” and “Your Rights and Choices” sections below.


  1. Information from Other Sources.


From your friends if they provide us with your contact information for purposes of inviting you to play our Games or otherwise engage with our Services.


We do not purchase personal information from other sources without your consent. From other sources, including, for example, our affiliates, business partners, service providers, online social media networks, and other third parties, or from publicly available sources (including the public domain). For example, if you log into your user account through social media sign-in services. We will base these collections on your consent where required by law.


  1. Use of Information.


We collect and use information for business and commercial purposes in accordance with the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Our purposes for collecting and using information include:

In many situations we have more than one purpose. For example, when you create an account with us we will collect your information to perform our contract with you, but we also collect your information as we have a legitimate interest in giving our users the best experience possible while playing our Games. As a result, our collection and processing of your information is based in different contexts upon your consent, our need to perform a contract, our obligations under law, and/or our legitimate interest in conducting our business. 


Notwithstanding the above, we may use and share information that does not identify you (including information that has been aggregated or de-identified) for any purpose except as prohibited by applicable law. To the extent we maintain and use such de-identified information, we will not attempt to reidentify the information, except for the purpose of determining whether our deidentification processes satisfy our legal obligations. For information on your rights and choices regarding how we use information about you, please see the “Your Rights and Choices” section below.


  1. Sharing of Information.


We share information we collect in accordance with the practices described in this Privacy Policy. The categories of parties with whom we share information include: 

Notwithstanding the above, we may use and share information that does not identify you (including information that has been aggregated or de-identified) for any purpose except as prohibited by applicable law. To the extent we maintain and use such de-identified information, we will not attempt to reidentify the information, except for the purpose of determining whether our deidentification processes satisfy our legal obligations. For information on your rights and choices regarding how we use information about you, please see the “Your Rights and Choices” section below.


 Please note that we do not rent, sell for monetary consideration, or provide personal information to third parties for purposes other than as described above, including to complete transactions and provide the Services. 


  1. Other Parties.


We offer parts of our Service through websites, platforms, and services operated or controlled by other parties. In addition, we integrate technologies operated or controlled by other parties into parts of our Service.


Some examples include:

Please note that when you interact with other parties, including when you leave our Service, those parties may independently collect information about you and solicit information from you. The information collected and stored by those parties remains subject to their own policies and practices, including what information they share with us, your rights and choices on their services and devices, and which country they store information in. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with and consult their privacy policies and terms of use.


  1. Analytics and Advertising.


We use analytics services to help us understand how users access and use the Service. In addition, we work with agencies, advertisers, ad networks, and other technology services to place ads about our products and services on other websites and services. For example, we place ads through Google that you may view on their platforms as well as on other websites and services.


As part of this process, we may incorporate tracking technologies into our own Service (including our Websites, Apps and emails) as well as into our ads displayed on other websites and services. Some of these tracking technologies may track your activities across time and services for purposes of associating the different devices you use, and delivering relevant ads and/or other content to you (“Interest-based Advertising”).


We also use audience matching services (which is a type of Interest-based Advertising) to reach people (or people similar to people) who have visited our Service or are identified in one or more of our databases (“Matched Ads”). This is done by us providing a list of hashed email addresses to an ad partner or incorporating a pixel from an ad partner into our own Service, and the ad partner matching common factors between our data and their data. For instance, we incorporate the Facebook pixel on our Service and may share your email address with Facebook as part of our use of Facebook Custom Audiences.


As indicated above, vendors and other parties may act as our service providers, or in certain contexts, independently decide how to process your information. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with and consult their privacy policies and terms of use.


For further information on the types of tracking technologies we use on the Service and your rights and choices regarding analytics, Interest-based Advertising, and Matched Ads, please see the “Information Collected Automatically” and “Your Rights and Choices” sections.


  1. Your Rights and Choices.


  1. Account Information.


You may access, update, or remove certain information that you have provided to us through your Elegant Develop account by visiting your account settings or sending an email to the email address set out in the “Contact Us” section below. We may require additional information from you to allow us to confirm your identity. Please note that we will retain and use information about you as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


  1. Tracking Technology Choices.

Please be aware that if you disable or remove tracking technologies some parts of the Service may not function correctly.


  1. Communications. 
  1. Children.


The Service is intended for general audiences, and is not directed at children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information (as defined by the U.S. Children’s Privacy Protection Act, or “COPPA”) from children. If we become aware we have collected personal information in violation of COPPA, we will remove the personal information in accordance with COPPA. We do not knowingly “sell,” as that term is defined under the CCPA, the personal information of minors under 16 years old.


We will make reasonable good faith efforts to remove the data from prospective public view, although we cannot ensure the complete or comprehensive removal of the content and may retain the content as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


  1. Data Security.


We implement and maintain reasonable administrative, physical, and technical security safeguards to help protect information about you from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. Nevertheless, transmission via the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of information about you.


  1. International Transfer.


Please be aware that information collected through the Service may be transferred to, processed, stored, and used in jurisdictions different from your country of residence. Data protection laws in these other jurisdictions may be different from those of your country of residence. Your use of the Service or provision of any information therefore constitutes your consent to the transfer to and from, processing, usage, sharing, and storage of information about you in other jurisdictions as set out in this Privacy Policy.


  1. Changes to this Privacy Policy.


We reserve the right to revise and reissue this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting of the revised Privacy Policy. Your continued use of our Service indicates your consent to the Privacy Policy then posted. If the changes are material, we may provide you additional notice to your email address. 


  1. Contact Us.


If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, our data practices, or our compliance with applicable law, please contact us:


By email: